
Geiteanna agus Gáire ag Dúrún Dúnmharaithe
Bhí caractair mór le rá ó cúrsa Gaeilge na hArdteistiméireachta mar amhrastaigh i Dúrún Dúnmhairithe le linn Seachtain na hÉigse.

A Gallery Tour With a Difference
Trinity Arts Festival and Trinity Visual Arts Society joined forces to go on an artistic city crawl.

A Murder in Cold Blood On Henrietta St
Trinity Arts Festival and DU Players teamed up for a murder most foul last night.

Five Under €10: Valentine’s Day Sweet Treats
The best spots in Dublin for a cute date this Valentine's Day.

Finscéalta, Filíocht agus Ceol Tráidisiúnta le Cloisteáil ag Cúirt Éigse
Cuireadh oíche cultúrtha i láthair san Atrium, le finscéalta agus filíocht le cloisteáil ón gCumann Gaelach agus Litsoc, agus sár-cheol á sheinnt ag TradSoc.

In the GMB, All Girls on Decks
An all-female panel discussion hit the GMB last night, discussing what it takes to make it as an Irish DJ in a male-dominated industry.

Celebrating the Centenary of the Women’s Vote in a Smashing Fashion
The granddaughter of suffragette Hanna Sheehy Skeffington commemorated the centenary at Dublin Castle this morning.

Ag Plé Féidearthachtaí an Oideachais Dátheangach leis an gCumann Bram Stoker
Ag caint leis an gCumann Bram Stoker, mhol Míde Ní Ghríofa buntáistí an oideachais dátheangach chun an Gaeilge a chur chun cinn sa tír.

A Serving of Yoga and Yoghurt at TAF
Students got their day off to the right start at TAF's yoga event in the GMB.

Trinity and UCD Unite Over Poetry
In Workmans last night, two literary societies came together to listen to and read poetry.