
Dance For Choice Comes to District 8 With Mother Club and Hidden Agenda
Featuring DJ sets from the Mother and Hidden Agenda DJs and spoken word from Una Mullally and Vickey Curtis, the night seeks to raise much needed funds for the repeal the eighth movement.

Trinity’s Arts Building: Often Condemned and Surrounded by Myth
From the legend that it was modelled after the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to its infamous lack of natural light, the Arts Block has a unique reputation within Trinity.

Josef Sudek Captures Diverse Experiences at the Douglas Hyde
The artist’s memories follow a sequential course across the Trinity gallery in print form to create an unique viewing experience.

A Monumental Exhibition of Trinity’s Architectural Greatness: The Long Room
The oak vault that crowns the great central aisle of the library has become an iconic structure for tourists and Trinity students alike.

The Ultimate Guide to Dublin’s Vintage Shops
From Lucy's Lounge to Harlequin, we look at the best local vintage traders that the city has to offer.

Speaking with
From Busking to Gigging and the Irish Music Scene: Speaking With Hudson Taylor
Killian Barry talks to Harry and Alfie Hudson Taylor ahead of their gig in Whelan’s this week.

Five Of The Best
Five of the Best: Places to Find Scented Candles in Dublin
The perfect way to warm up a dark winter, Dublin has a variety of places to buy scented candles.

Giving You No Excuse Not to Eat Your Greens, Urban Picnic
Based in George St Arcade, the health food store provides a wide variety of foods for under €10.

A Wealth of Talent on Trinity’s Airways: Trinity FM
Daniel McFarlane argues that the perfect way to spend a spare hour on campus is to listen to Trinity FM.

Anna Karenina at the Abbey Fails to Reflect Intensity of the Play
The theatre’s Christmas production’s long running time detracted from the Tolstoy classic.