
Q Soc Gather in Supernatural Fashion to Celebrate Oscar Wilde
Tonight, the society will assemble under the campanile to attempt to connect with the much-loved writer.

With No Referendum in Near Future, Law Soc’s Mock Assembly Debates Eighth Amendment
The debate last night saw both the pro-choice and pro-life sides discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding abortion.

TCDSU and Trinity FLAC Sleep Out for Peter McVerry Trust
For the second year in a row, tens of students slept outside Front Arch to raise awareness of homelessness.

The Failures of Contemporary Feminism to Challenge a Neoliberal State
Last night, the Metafizz and Nemesis joined together to host Dr Sinéad Kennedy's reading of "Antigone's Daughters: Women and State in the Age of Neoliberalism".

The Founder of Herstory on Telling the Stories of Ireland’s Lost Heroines
Melanie Lynch addressed Trinity Global Development Society and DU History on her project that seeks to ensure we hear the stories of the women who came before us.

Roddy Doyle Presents Don Giovanni as Quintessentially Dublin
Last night saw Roddy Doyle read his translation Mozart and Da Ponte’s classic opera as part of the Opera Theatre Company’s 30th anniversary celebrations.

An Exploration of the Self through Flowers, Paper and Ink: Flora and Me
Currently on display in the Copper House Gallery, Ruth Cassidy’s interlinking works of self expression delicately depict the human form.

Trinity Lecturers Debate the Most Villainous Figures in History
Last night, DU History hosted an evening of villainy and debauchery as they discussed the most evil characters in history, from Richard Meinertzhagen to Pope Honorius III.

An Nuacht ina hIomlán ó Aengus Mac Grianna ar Lá na Gaeilge
Agus é ag labhairt leis na gCumann Gaelach ar an Déardaoin, phleigh an léitheoir nuachta an iriseoireacht, an reifreann pósta agus a theanga dhúchais.

Annie Mac on Pursuing her Passion and the Evolution of Radio
Addressing the Phil this evening, the Radio 1 DJ spoke on the future of clubbing and how students can pursue a career in music radio.