Feb 11, 2011

Live Review-Castro at The Grand Social

Michelle Judge-

I was asked to review Castro whilst simultaneously ordering a three in one from Charlie’s at half three in the morning, and perhaps I agreed too readily as for all the right reasons my memory of the night is, at best, vague.

My review is going to be similarly vague because, let’s be honest here, what do I really know about Indie music anyway? However, their Facebook page (check your requests, they’ve already added you) boasts of ‘the best in INDIE & dance with a choice selection of chart, rock and everything in between from our resident DJ. STEVIE.’ Like why would they lie? I do recall Stevie playing some Justice-D.A.N.C.E, which unfortunately is a song that I now have to associate as being a pleasant throwback to my youth (I’m 21, I’m basically over the hill), or at the very least Oxegen Dance Tent circa 2008.


There was also some Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs, Artic Monkeys, Stevie Wonder…Bloc Party….maybe? In anticipation of the sheer embarrassment that inevitably ensues from the revelation that you’re just a wannabe hipster, I am choosing not to elaborate any further on the playlist. Suffice to say, if Stevie has it, he’ll play it for you.

As for the drinks promotions, apparently they’re good, €10 for a pitcher of beer?  I wouldn’t know to be honest; pitchers aren’t exactly my thing, and I know if I made such an investment I’d end up pouring it on myself in some suggestive re-enactment of a scene from Coyote Ugly. Having said that, that did not prevent me from whipping out the ol’ Laser card and throwing money all over the place. Captain Morgan’s and Coke for a fiver? Hello! Several of these later and I was on the pole, giving it absolute socks to a song I pretended to know the words to.

OMG, I never even mentioned the pole, it’s actually the best thing about the place, and there are several of them, and the bouncer only took me down like twice. Overall, total success.

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