Oct 16, 2011

The Tube

Heather Watt

Staff Writer

1. This was the week of The Great Blackberry Crumble, and as millions of BBM-ers were forced to go cold turkey, they turned to the internet for a good old complain. Among my favourite videos from this week was the BBC’s One Ronnie: “Well, I tried to put my dongle in it.”


2. Continuing on the techno theme, we have one of the many Steve Jobs tribute videos. How Steve Jobs changed the human OS:

3. Some beer, some bikers, and unsuspecting couples. It’s got to be Carlsberg:

4. Now, this week’s cutest child video has some contenders: Firstly, Sophia, a very cute pink-tutu-wearing little rapper.

5. A close second is this little girl’s birthday surprise:

6. These guys win the Child Video of the Week. Some serious bum road rash here:

7. And for all you aspiring Ultimate Frisbee players, these guys set the bar pretty high.

8. A viral video chart would not be complete without these essential animal videos. Seal cuddles.

9. The Buck stops here:

10. And just to round off this week’s viral videos is the Cat of the Week, who also wins the best Maggie Thatcher impression.

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