Jul 3, 2012

Top 15 Mario Kart Tracks

Vladimir Rakhmanin

Staff Writer


To prepare for Mario Kart’s 20th Anniversary, I have prepared a list of the best tracks in the franchise so far. So, without further ado, let’s get into it.

15.) 3DS – Wuhu Mountain Loop

We’ll start off with a new one. Designed by Retro Studios of Metroid Prime fame, this track takes place on Wuhu Island from Wii Sports Resort. In a twist on the Mario Kart formula, the entire track is just one giant lap split into three sections, making sure that the surroundings don’t get boring as you twist and turn through the island’s twisty mountains. An exploit which allowed players to cheat on this course has recently been patched by Nintendo, allowing everyone to enjoy this great track again.


14.) GBA – Ribbon Road 

A pretty good track with a surreal atmosphere that has been sorely missing from the franchise recently. The race takes place on giant ribbons, with many jump crossovers that allow for some interesting intersections in track design.


13.) GBA – Bowser Castle 3

The best of the menacing series of tracks in the GBA version – numerous Thwomps and opportunities for massive drifts make this one hold up very well, and it’s fun to replay the remastered version as part of the Wii’s retro courses.


12.) N64 – Wario Stadium 

An obscenely long course from Nintendo’s beloved antihero. This track showcased the kind of vertical design that wasn’t possible to do on the 2D SNES tracks – making those jumps is fantastic fun, especially if you manage to knock your opponents on the way across.


11.) SNES – Ghost Valley 2

My personal favourite SNES track. This one has some truly great gaps which take great reflexes to avoid. It’s also based on the Ghost Houses from Super Mario World, giving it a great sense of atmosphere.


10.) 3DS – Alpine Hill

I love tracks with a concept, and this one has a truly awesome one. You and your opponents drive through a mountain range, leap off using the new glider controls exclusive to the 3DS, drive through some gorgeous forests, and make your way up again. Flying above the dense woods in full 3D is amazing, and really showcases the new portable’s hardware.


9.) GC – DK Mountain

Much like Alpine Pass, this one is based on a descent – except this track features a volcano, making it the better version of such a concept. The jungle setting is great, and driving down the rocks while boulders fly at you from everywhere is exhilarating.


8.) N64 – Yoshi Valley

This is an odd track. While it’s not very fun to play, the maze-like environments can lead to some serious competition between you and your friends. If you knew which path to take, it was possible to completely obliterate the opposition, giving the track a strategic edge.


7.) DS – Delfino Plaza

One of the few tracks in the game to be based on Super Mario Sunshine, Delfino Plaza wins the prize for the catchiest music. Go on, listen to it. I dare you. It will be stuck in your head for weeks. It also helps that tracks design is spot on, with some great drifting to be had in the opening section.


6.) N64 – DK’s Jungle Parkway

An awesome track around a jungle – the leap across the river was a massive graphical accomplishment for the N64 days, and it still manages to impress today. The music is great, too.


5.) Wii – Koopa Cape

Clearly the best Wii track. This one takes you through caves, down a river, and under the sea. If you were good enough, you were able to slipstream on the water in the middle section to gain an advantage over your opponents.


4.) DS – Airship Fortress 

This track features a theme that you would have thought a Mario Kart game would have utilized by now – the airship from Super Mario Bros 3. It features some great Bullet Bill dodging and a really fun descent down a spiral tower. One of the best DS courses.


3.) N64 – Bowser’s Castle 

Hands down the best N64 track. The feel, the design, the atmosphere – all fantastic. Taking inspiration from Super Mario 64, driving through the red-carpeted castle is just as fun today as it was back in the day, and the final jumps can still manage to make you fall into the lava if you let your guard down.


2.) DS – Waluigi Pinball

This track, man. This track. As a person who used to be obsessed with pinball, this course is absolutely perfect. Coupled with my personal favourite music in the series, Waluigi’s Pinball manages to combine everything that makes Mario Kart fun – drifting, jumps, and dodging giant rolling objects. An astounding feat of design.


1.) Rainbow Road

Yes, I know this is kind of cheating, but all the Rainbow Road tracks represent the apex of the franchise. Featured in the last cup of every Mario Kart to date, Rainbow Roads are about graphical flair, punishing difficulty (except for the N64 version) and perfect track design. I couldn’t narrow it down to just one – they’re all great in their own way. SNES’ and GBA’s difficulty, N64’s and DS’ trippy atmosphere, Wii’s and GameCube’s visuals, and 3DS’ design… They’re all fantastic, and remain a showcase of why we love Mario Kart.

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