Oct 25, 2013

Why You Should Know About: TCD Nanoscience

After the recent launch of its newest lab AMBER, TCD nanoscience reaches for new heights

Mark Doherty | Contributing Writer

The 24th of October will see the launch of AMBER (Advanced Materials and Bioengineering Centre). Amber is a €50m new nanoscience department within CRANN, Trinity’s nanoscience hub. This is again from the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) which funded CRANN a decade ago with €100 million. Over the course of the past ten years Trinity CRANN researchers have been quiet explorers in the corner of Trinity’s campus; pushing to become leaders in international nanoscience research and pushing to break barriers of what most people would think possible.

CRANN might be unknown to the average Trinity student, however in the past decade its successes include obtaining €50 million in international and EU grants, launching five successful spin-out companies, placing over 50 patent applications and awarding over 150 PhDs in the past five years alone. AMBER will largely direct the course of research of CRANN over the next six years towards developing new materials for use in computing, medical devices, energy and pharmaceuticals. CRANN’s success is reflected in Ireland’s rank as 6th in the world for Nanoscience research. Hopefully AMBER can further develop this past decade’s achievements.


CRANN researchers have been quiet explorers in the corner of Trinities campus; pushing to become leaders in international nanoscience research

University Times met with Professor Igor Shvets of the Applied Physics Research Group to learn about what they do and its relevance of nanoscience in society. The first thing we learned is that the term nanoscience itself is something of a contentious issue. The name is a popular buzzword which implies the study of objects at the nanoscale. That is the study of objects between 1 and 100 nanometres in size. A nanometre is a billionth of a metre. CRANN’s 10th birthday cake puts this scale in perspective.


However, the study of several biological and chemical systems fall within the nanoscale range and are (arguably) not considered ‘nanoscience’. The term ‘Material Science’ is perhaps better defined for the much of the research being carried out at TCD’s CRANN Institute. This work seeks extend the boundaries of what was previously believed to be possible from these nanoscopic materials.

The benefits of this research can be applied to fields as varied as technology, medicine and transport. We may be on the eve of nanomedicine (the interaction between nanoparticles and live cells), improvements in storing energy created by sustainable means, improved materials used in manufacturing and fabrication and improved magnetic and electric devices with potential to impact all industries.

We may be on the eve of nanomedicine

Understandably, it tends to be ambitious large scale applications which grab both people’s imagination and media attention. However CRANN is lucky to have SFI funding which allows the separation of fundamental and industry-application research. Fundamental research seeks to extend the boundaries of knowledge of a material, industry-application research builds on this to develop a product or application which can be taken to the market place .

The number of research groups at CRANN leads to much variety in the fundamental research which is taking place. The name alone of most of these areas would send the average head spinning. ‘Novel Materials’ is one particular area of fundamental research. Within this topic, research has been carried out on the properties and potential of graphene. Graphene is a one atom thick material. It currently boasts being the strongest, most impermeable and most conductive material available. It is two hundred times stronger than steel.

This fundamental research led, earlier this year, to TCD securing a leading role in the €1 billion EU Graphene Flagship Project. The aim of this is develop industry application for this wonder material. This material could be the future for faster and thinner electronics, paper-thin smartphones and internal medical devices. If existing materials used in cars and aeroplanes can be replaced with a much stronger, lighter alternative, fuel costs will be significantly reduced. It is also important to note that while these are all possibilities, the applications have yet to be demonstrated.

This fundamental research led, earlier this year, to TCD securing a leading role in the €1 billion EU Graphene Flagship Project.

Graphene … currently boasts being the strongest, most impermeable and most conductive material available. It is two hundred times stronger than steel

While much of this research remains theoretical there have also been several successes to date. Deera Fluidics, Cellix Ltd and Miravex are three of CRANNS five successful spin-outs and these all emerged from the Applied Physics Research Group. The focus of the majority of research carried out by Professor Shvets’ Research Group is fundamental research, designed to extend the boundaries of understanding of physics, this research is not necessarily aimed at producing a spin-out. When an idea for a product does emerge, it typically takes five years to develop into a working product and spin-out company.

There are many reasons to be interested in the Nanoscience department and if you want to learn more about the technology involved, check out nanomachines explained to learn more. Economically, nanoscience accounts for an estimated €15 billion or 10% of Irish exports and is linked to the future security of 250,000 Irish jobs. Regardless of what field you are in, technology, biology, chemistry engineering or medicine, these will increasingly benefit and be revolutionised by nanoscience research in the coming years. Socially, nanoscience could present a solution to the impending commodity crisis. This relates not only to fossil fuels but also to rare metals. Our modern lifestyle is forcing the rapid expiration of essential metals (Platinum: 15 years, Silver: 20 years, Uranium: 40 years) without which we cannot maintain our standard of living. Nanoscience is leading to more efficient use, greater recycling and innovative alternatives to these essential metals.

With all this potential there’s no reason not be fascinated, inspired and excited by nanoscience. Nanoscience holds a lot of hope for the future and it might yet save the world, so you know, nano nano nano nano batman!


The author would like to thank Professor Igor Shvets of the Applied Physics Research Group for generously taking the time to speak with me.

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