Feb 12, 2014

Trinity Hall JCR Introduce Interview Process for JCR Elections

Last night Trinity Hall JCR passed an amendment for the positions of President and Welfare to be subject to an interview process before campaigning in the JCR Elections

Leanna Byrne | Editor

Trinity Hall JCR (Junior Common Room) passed an amendment to their constitution for the positions of President and Welfare to be subject to an interview process before campaigning to run for these positions in the JCR Elections last night.

The amendment was passed unanimously with approximately thirty Trinity Hall residence in attendance at the JCR Public Forum where the JCR Committee present reports twice a semester.


The decision was made by the JCR Committee to propose this amendment to the constitution as members of the committee felt that “certain attributes are necessary for these two positions particularly” in comparison to other positions held.

The current President, past President and Vice-President will sit on the interview panel for the Presidential race. For Welfare, the current Welfare Officer, the President and either the SU Welfare Officer or the House Warden will be vetting candidates.

Any or all of the candidates that are deemed to be “strong enough” for the role will advance to the campaigning period where Trinity Hall residence will have their say through a vote. Any unsuccessful candidate for president or welfare will be allowed to reapply for a different officer role.

Speaking to The University Times, JCR President Conor O’Meara was positive about the amendment to the election process. “We feel this will be a great addition to future JCR committees as the most capable candidates will be fulfilling the roles”.

When asked whether or not the vetting would hinder the democratic process, O’Meara said said that it would help the democratic process as currently candidates do not have to collect nominations like in The Leadership Race. Furthermore, it would make sure the JCR elections do not “turn into a popularity contest”.

Currently, JCR Communications, Publications and Technical Officers are appointed to the JCR Committee through an interview process only.

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