Aug 28, 2018

TCDSU Introduces ‘Ask for Angela’ at Freshers’ Week Events

The campaign aims to combat sexual harassment in pubs and nightclubs.

Donal MacNameeDeputy Editor
Guy Boggan for The University Times

Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) is to introduce the “Ask for Angela” safety campaign at events during freshers’ week this year, in a bid to alleviate sexual harassment in nightclubs.

“Ask for Angela” is an initiative, originally introduced in Ireland by Waterford Institute of Technology Students’ Union, that encourages people feeling uncomfortable in a pub or nightclub to “ask for Angela” at the bar. Bar staff can then safely diffuse the situation.

In a press statement, TCDSU Ents Officer David Flood said the union was “hopeful that the initiative will create an environment where everyone is able to feel totally comfortable in going out to party, wearing what they want, dancing how they like, with no fear of being harassed”.


“The #AskForAngela campaign is a fantastic initiative and it falls within the responsibility of Trinity Ents, and the Ents Officer, to ensure the clubs we use are working to ensure everyone’s safety at our events”, he said.

Flood stated: “I believe it is the duty of the Ents Officer to look past just the event and see the bigger picture, whether using Ents as a platform to promote Irish talent, raise money for causes, or in this case, look out for the safety of students while cultivating a healthy respect between party goers that allows everyone to enjoy themselves on their own terms.”

During his election campaign, Flood spoke about sexual harassment at nightclubs and expressed intentions to introduce a campaign to combat this as ents officer.

The introduction of the initiative, Flood said, comes “after the success of the implementation of the Gender Neutral bathroom policy from previous years”.

“Some of the venues we are using for Freshers’ Week have already discussed making the system part of their routine operation and not just for our events”, he said.

Flood said he has planned the “largest, most diverse, and most inclusive Freshers’ Week on Record”. This year’s freshers’ week will be a six-night affair instead of the usual five, “because six nights is better than five!”

Freshers’ ball, which normally takes place on the Wednesday of freshers’ week, will this year take place during the first week of term. With the new year structure, freshers’ week will now take place two weeks earlier than usual.

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