Mar 12, 2020

CSC Advises Societies to Cancel Events, Amid College Closure

Societies have been advised to suspend all social activity for the duration of Trinity's two-week closure.

Emer Moreau and Donal MacNamee
Alex Connolly for The University Times

The Central Societies Committee (CSC) has instructed all societies to suspend events and meetings for the next two weeks, after today’s announcement that the College is to close from tomorrow until March 29th.

An email sent to all societies today, signed by CSC officers, said that “all social activity (meetings, committee meetings, events external to College, etc) which have been planned for the period of the closure should be suspended”.

It also instructed societies to suspend all events – even beyond Trinity’s two-week closure period – which will expose them to “irrecoverable expense”. All AGMs should be suspended until after March 29th, the email said.


“If your society has been intending to hold a Ball or to have a major speaker coming to a large meeting in the next few weeks then these are the types of events that will, if the planning process gets underway, reach a point where expense is committed to and cannot be recovered if you cancel subsequently”, the officers wrote.

Yesterday, The University Times reported that at least 16 societies had suspended events as a result of the coronavirus threat.

Residents were this afternoon encouraged to return home, after this morning’s announcement that Trinity is to be shut until March 29th. The directive, which said students who move out permanently will be issued a pro rata refund at the end of the year, applies to both Irish and international students.

A blanket ban has been placed on parties in College accommodation. An email from the accommodation office stated that Trinity “will take an extremely hard line on any socialization during this time that does not respect recommended social distance protocols”.

Residents are advised to maintain at least one metre between themselves and others, clean surfaces in their apartments frequently with disinfectants and cleaners and to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth.

They should also maintain “excellent hand hygiene by washing frequently with soap and water” and practice “excellent respiratory hygiene by coughing/sneezing into flexed elbows and discarding used tissues immediately”.

Last week, on-campus residents and students living in Trinity Hall were banned from hosting non-resident guests in order to limit the spread of coronavirus.

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