Have you had a lockdown wardrobe purge, a lack of funds, or a desire to support small businesses of late? If so, then it’s time to download Depop, the online fashion marketplace of the moment. Unless you are well-versed in the art of buying and selling on Depop, navigating the platform may be overwhelming at first. But once you get into the swing of things, you might end up selling some of your wardrobe essentials and even become the next Isabella Vrana.
I may not be a verified Depop seller myself, however, I have spent many an evening scrolling through the app and reading Depop Drama threads (a popular satirical Instagram thread dedicated to sharing only the most absurd real-life Depop experiences). So without further ado, here’s a guide to navigating the only marketplace.
Do: Get creative.
I’m not going to lie, I’ve seen some weird things advertised on Depop and if those sellers can get creative, you can too. If you have a love for painting mugs or making eclectic tops in your spare time, then put them up and they just might sell. Most people on Depop are looking for that one wild and wonderful item that they can subtly brag about when one of their friends just happens to notice it. So, paint a tote bag, start making some wire necklaces and turn your hobby or passion project into a business.
Don’t: Put mark-ups on your items.
Everyone wants to make a profit and cover costs on Depop, that doesn’t give you the green light to put ridiculous prices on your pieces. Is that Y2K “vintage” Penneys jumper that was apparently handed down from your Granny really worth selling? Don’t buy random items on AliExpress or from charity shops and add ridiculous mark-ups – you’re ruining the game for us all. If I see one more vintage crew neck going for €50, I will cry actual tears (but still add it to our favourites, of course).
Do: Stalk your favourite seller’s likes.
While waiting for the algorithm to tailor itself to your preferences, you might only find one or two sellers that match your style. If you go to the likes of your favourite sellers, chances are they like other sellers that also match your style. Follow them and, before you know it, your feed will be full of items tailored to your taste.
Don’t: End up on Depop Drama.
Unless you fancy ending up on the notorious Instagram page, be careful what you say in private messages. (Though, if you have ended up on there, I sincerely thank you for the giggle.) Don’t scam. Don’t ask for a discount because it’s your nanny’s funeral. Your second cousin isn’t Phil from East Enders, you’re not getting that dress for a fiver. Do send the “xx” and “thanks hun!”, and call it a day – it’s a Depop classic.
Do: Be patient.
Trinity trailblazers The Doyle Twins had their Depop for a year before suddenly experiencing exponential growth during lockdown and achieving a verified badge. So, if you don’t get a lot of attention right away, don’t be discouraged. My advice is to have nice packaging, write thank you notes and make an impression. Trust me, there’s no better way of advertising than word of mouth and recommendations. A personal touch can make all the difference.
Do: Buy and sell on Depop more often.
Not only is it easier to find budget-friendly, quality clothes on Depop, but you can help to reduce clothing waste and give your old clothes a new home. When you sell, you’re letting someone else enjoy pieces that have been collecting dust and are probably suffering from abandonment issues – it’s a win-win for everybody.