

Trinity Ball Drug Detentions Are At Odds With TCDSU’s Decriminalisation Policy

The least the union owed students was a public statement on the detention of 26 students at the ball.

The Man Building Bridges Between Trinity and Palestine

Prof Brendan Browne has brought real experience of conflict into his teaching and research on Trinity's Belfast campus.
By Emma Taggart

‘Frenzy’ Outside Library, As Reduced Opening Hours Leave Students Battling for Seats

Over a hundred students were forced to queue outside the library this morning.
By Eleanor O'Mahony and Donal MacNamee

Higher Education is Headed for a Quality Cliff Edge. It Must Help Itself

Tom Boland writes that universities are facing imminent threats to maintaining the quality of their education.
By Tom Boland

Patricia O’Brien and Carmel Naughton Awarded Honorary Degrees

Prof Cormac Ó Gráda, David Cabot, Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara were also awarded degrees.
By Eleanor O'Mahony

Thomas Kinsella and Catherine Corless Awarded Honorary Degrees

American physicist Michal Lipson was also awarded in what was Mary Robinson’s second last honorary degree ceremony as Chancellor.
By Eleanor O'Mahony

Graduation Marks the End of an Era

Graduation can be a bring with it mixed feelings as you realise that the community you built in Trinity is gone, writes Louise Lawless.
By Louise Lawless

Students Detained at Trinity Ball on Suspicion of Drug Offences

Undercover Gardaí detained 26 students on suspicion of drug possession and supplying at the ball on Friday.
By Emer Moreau

End of TSM Spells Trouble for Repeating Students

Students studying TSM courses that are set to be discontinued will not be able to repeat the year in their original subject combination.
By Robert Quinn

In Defence of the Trinity Electives

Robert Quinn writes that the 27 Trinity Electives available in 2019/20 embrace the areas that modern minds should care to be educated in.
By Robert Quinn