Prank Email to Students Appears to Come From TCDSU President
The email made fun of today’s announcement of the change of terms from ‘freshmen’ to ‘fresh’.
Luke O’Neill Ranked in Top One Per Cent of Cited Researchers
Prof Jonathan Coleman was also named on the list, which comprises over 3,300 top researchers.
Increased Campus Supervision for Late-Night Workers
An updated safety policy, Trinity says, will make late-night working safer.
How Universities are Fighting Fake News
Two Seattle academics were fed up with their students reading fake news online. Then Trump came along and hurried them into action.
College Partners With GSU to Create Trinity Fashion
A small percentage of the makings on the fashion range will go towards the postgraduate hardship fund.
The Absurd Gender Imbalance on the Provost’s Council
Despite the focus on gender equality, Prendergast found just eight women for his advisory council.
A Lamentable Snap Election, Welcome TCDSU Election Changes, Smoke-Free Zones
Intruder Alarm Sees Some Students Vacate 24-Hour Library
An unidentified trigger caused the alarm to sound for almost 45 minutes.
New Appointment Process to End ‘Pass by Compensation’ Staff Promotions
The reforms have been welcomed by the Irish Federation of University Teachers.
Nobel Prize Winner to Launch Trinity’s New-Look Science Degree
Prof William Campbell, a Trinity graduate, will help launch Trinity's reformed science degree programme next week.