Trinity has dropped by 20 places, remaining just inside the top 100.
By Dominic McGrath
Cé go bhféadfaí bheith soiniciúil faoina cúiseanna le tíortha thar an AE a chuimsiú, léirigh an deireadh seachtaine staid ceannasach agus domhanda na hollscoile.
While we can be cynical about how or why it is embracing non-EU students, the weekend showed Trinity’s leading position and the fun of being global.
The Trinity Access 21 project was awarded for Excellence in Community Volunteering.
By Philip McGuinness
No society mailout is to take place this year, but an online and physical mailout are expected to be in place from next year.
By Sinéad Baker
Clodagh Cogley writes that Trinity's support for those in wheelchairs provides a welcome contrast to a generally inaccessible city.
By Clodagh Cogley
Braitheann mealladh mac léinn go mór ar áiseanna, agus bactar iarrachtaí Cholaiste na Tríonóide.
In the current funding environment, attracting students is key. But this relies heavily on facilities, and Trinity’s efforts are being hampered.
Societies are used to promote the College and untold hours of voluntary work is put into them, but their work is being made increasingly difficult.
By Simon Foy
With scholarships worth up to €9,500, will provide “support to aspiring and current elite athletes and world-class performers”.
By Dillon Hennessy