Loic Delorme argues that Trinity fails to properly convey the worth of its many valuable antiquities.
By Loic Delorme
Coisceann caitheamh ónár gcinn cinntí gan tóir orthu idirghábháil de shaghas ar bith le foireann na hollscoile agus tuiscint ar atá ag tarlú .
To constantly dismiss Trinity’s unpopular decisions prevents any real engagement with the staff, or understanding of what’s going on.
Unafraid of confronting the most contentious of topics, Dr Neville Cox brings wit to pressing at the boundaries of critical thinking.
By Charlotte Ryan
New works on the Nassau St entrance are taking place, including a seating area and information ticket machines.
By Róisín Power
Trinity’s groundbreaking study into alternatives admissions will continue for another year, with the changes implemented in its third year retained.
By Róisín Power
One option among three for the funding of higher education, a proposal for student loans raises many questions.
By Sinéad Baker
As student complaints are reinforced by developments in other universities, Trinity must reassess its approach to purpose-built student spaces.
Agus gearáin mac léinn neartaithe ag forbartha in ollscoileanna eile, is gá do Choláiste na Tríonóide a chur chuige i dtreo spásanna mac léinn a thógadh le sainchuspóir a athmheasúnú.
Despite College efforts, the Trinity Education Project has seen almost no student engagement, setting a worrying tone going forward.