Trinity has a reputation of poor spatial provision, and, despite recent developments, basic student spaces remain absent.
By Sinéad Baker
Professor Siobhán Garrigan, the Chair of Catholic Theology in the School of Religions, Peace Studies and Theology, talks about how helping the homeless taught her more about theology and religion.
By Jenna Clarke-Molloy
Greater transparency, inclusivity and diversity must go beyond the legal requirements and the “students as customers” model should be avoided.
By Sinéad Baker and Edmund Heaphy
Improvements to student grant scheme, including an earlier opening date, announced by Minister for Education today.
By John Conway
The union is mandated to fight for Christmas exams, a mandate that most students never voted on, and that most do not know exists.
By Sinéad Baker
Students will have an opportunity to cultivate their business ideas in a high tech environment, College says.
By Aoife O’Donoghue and Edmund Heaphy
After the success of the recent Feminists of Trinity campaign, Aoife O'Donoghue speaks to some key Trinity figures about how to bring feminism further into Trinity.
By Aoife O'Donoghue
Ciaran Sunderland speaks to Peter Blanchfield of Trinity's mail room about his time working in Trinity and the mail room's legacy.
By Ciaran Sunderland
Nobel Prize Winner William C Campbell elected to honorary fellowship alongside Vice Chancellor of Oxford, Louise Richardson.
By Dominic McGrath
Agus Comhairle Aontais na n-Iarchéimithe ag vótáil chun an t-airgead a lorg le haghaidh tríú oifigigh lán-aimseartha, is gá ceist a chur an ionann níos mó ionadaíochta agus ionadaíocht níos fearr.