As Part of Nationwide Commemoration, Proclamation Read in Trinity
The student-led initiative also featured music from Trad Soc and formed part of the nationwide Proclamation Day celebrations.
JCR Candidates Distinguish Themselves with Trinity Hall Anecdotes at Hustings
With 31 candidates for the JCR’s eight elected positions, candidates made succinct speeches across a wide range of topic areas.
Ahead of Hustings, JCR Presidential Candidates Identify Issues of Consent and Accommodation
Aoife O'Donoghue profiles the two candidates, Felix Gather and Sara Ní Lochlainn, running to be President of the JCR next year.
Chomsky and 27 Trinity Professors Among 80 Public Figures Urging College to Divest
Over 1,000 have signed the petition calling on Trinity to divest from €6 million in oil assets, with an open letter to be presented to the College Board.
Trinity’s Leadership on Increasing Northern Irish Applicants is Already Producing Tangible Results
Two groundbreaking programmes have increased applications from Northern Ireland, and Trinity deserves praise for challenging an unfair system, writes the Editorial Board.
Gníomhaíocht Choláiste na Tríonóide ar Uimhir Iarrthóirí as Tuaisceart Éireann ag Déanamh Torthaí Dáiríre Cheana Féin
Tá dhá chlár úrnua tar éis an méid iarrthóirí as Tuaisceart Éireann a mhéadú agus tá moladh tuillte ag Coláiste na Tríonóide de bharr an dushláin a chuir sé faoi chóras míchothrom, a scríobhann an Bord Eagarthóireachta.
With Thoughtful Responses, Hozier Answers Questions on Music and Making a Difference
Hozier addressed social issues, being young and Irish, and dropping out of Trinity.
Architecturally, the Lecky Library Glories in its Own Inadequacy
The design of everyone’s least-favourite library is scandalously overlooked, writes Geordie Milne.
22% Increase in CAO Applications to Trinity from Northern Ireland
This year also saw a two per cent increase in the number of students putting Trinity as their first preference overall.
More Laughs than Love at VDP’s Take Me Out
With hilarious one liners and salacious commentary from the hosts, this year’s Take Me Out was not to be missed.