Sixteen Candidates for TCD Seanad Panel, Including Averil Power
Current senators Ivana Bacik, David Norris and Sean Barrett all to re-run, as well as TCDSU President Lynn Ruane.
A New Face Enters the College Chaplaincy
The new Anglican Chaplain and Dean of Residency, Rvd Steve Brunn, talks to The University Times about student life, ecumenics and his life before Trinity.
With Seven New Locations, Science Gallery Set to go Global
Boosted by €1.1 million in philanthropic investment, Science Gallery prepares to spread to seven new locations around the globe.
Significant Investment Required for Proposed Sports Centre Developments
The new plans will need approximately €13 million in funding and outline how these funds can be generated through the students sports levy.
RB McDowell and the Legacy of the Trinity Eccentric
Tom Myatt profiles former History lecturer and eccentric, RB McDowell, who almost single-handedly progressed the field of Irish History.
Trinity Ball Sells Out in Record Time
Last sales record was just over two days. It's a “record-breaking time”, says Katie Cogan.
Wear Your Whites: The Rebirth of Trinity Ladies Cricket
Following an eye-catching social media campaign, Trinity Ladies Cricket are seeking to regrow their club and get girls involved in sport at Trinity.
TCDSU Likely to Lobby for Extended Pearse Street Gate Opening Hours
A motion was passed at tonight's meeting of council in the interest of improving students’ access to campus.
College Board to Consider Tobacco-Free Zones in Trinity
The proposal, if passed, will create three zones around the Health Centre, Sports Centre, and Arts Block, where smoking will not be permitted.
The Surreal Social Experiment of the Trinity Ball Launch Live Stream
The live stream, from an “undisclosed location”, was strange, the comments were unpleasant, but we couldn’t look away.