At Frank-a-thon, an Endurance Test
Mary Shelley fans spent eight hours in the GMB yesterday listening to readings from her most famous work.
Get Intimate at the Science Gallery
The Science Gallery's new exhibition challenges how we view human connection.
Jaws Resurrected in National Concert Hall
This evening, watch the horror classic complete with live orchestra accompaniment.
Far From a ‘Whole Island’ University, Trinity Needs to Up its Non-Leinster Game
Considering just one-in-five students come from outside Leinster, College must consider the obstacles facing students from Munster and Connacht.
Ní Bheidh ‘Coláiste don Oileán ar Fad’ gan ach Mic Léinn ó Chúige Laighean
Níl ach scoláire amháin as cúigear ó thaobh amuigh de Chúige Laighean – tá constaicí fós roimh mhic léinn Chonnacht agus na Mumhan.
Dun Laoghaire Hosts World-Class Animation Festival
This weekend, dive into the world of animated films at the Dublin Animation Film Festival.
DCU Students Celebrate Delay to Student’s Deportation
Second-year DCU student Shepherd Machaya was informed yesterday that his deportation order had been extended until February 2019.
Imposing, Unapologetic and Immersive Art
As It Goes, Joe Scullion's latest exhibition in the Kevin Kavanagh Gallery, offers an immersive artistic experience.
Anti-Traveller Prejudice is Alive and Well in Irish Politics
Students must stand up against Peter Casey and Josepha Madigan, who have played on prejudice for personal gain, writes Patrick McDonagh.
Trinity Launches New Online Course on Sustainable Development
Focusing on the major challenges facing the world today, the four-week course commences on November 5th.