For better or worse, leading academics with unsettling opinions are frequently honoured – and recently, too.
A proposed extension to the powers the government holds over universities poses a real threat to the troubled sector.
A coalition between the four largest unions in higher education has huge potential, but will need to aim higher than their previous collaborations.
Rather than using smokers as targets, the new policy is a practical solution to a persistent problem.
In áit caitheamh le ceansaitheoirí mar íobartaigh, is réiteach phraiticiúil le fadhb leanúnach atá sa pholasaí nua.
Doimhníonn tráchtaí a rinne leas-seansailéir Ollscoil na Banríona an imní atá ar mhórán daoine maidir le todhchaí an ardoideachais
Comments made by the vice-chancellor of Queen’s deepen the concerns many have about the future of academia.
In a climate where graduates find it increasingly difficult to compete with their peers, internship programs such as JobBridge can help but significant reforms are needed.
I dtimpeallacht ina bhfuil deacrachtaí mhóra ag céimithe iomaíocht a dhéanamh lena gcomhaoisí, is féidir le scéimeanna intéirneachta cabhrú leo ach tá athchóirithe suntasacha ag teastáil.
Divergent promotion trends between men and women require systemic, qualitative changes.