The Pandemic Has Brought the Beauty of Swimming in the Irish Sea to Life
Sea swimming is a marriage of life’s two greatest feelings – being completely freezing and semi-nude, writes Faye Curran.
Make It Count
Daniel O'Brien on how to leave Trinity better off than you found it.
Students Should Not Have to Pay the Debt for a Decade of Underfunding
The third-level sector has been starved of funding for years now, but students shouldn’t be forced to compensate for this during a pandemic, writes Rose Conway-Walsh.
Are Irish Colleges Truly Places of Equality?
Once students are inside the college grounds, often following lengthy procedures, there are plenty of hurdles, writes Niamh Elliott-Sheridan.
Taking Money from a Qatari Politician Goes Against Trinity’s Spirit of Inclusivity
Societies are strapped for cash, but sponsorship from a former Qatari defence minister is a step too far, writes Faye Curran.
Leaving Cert Results Were Record-Breaking – But This Will Benefit Few
Leaving certificate students may be celebrating the highest results on record – but their unprecedented grades may not bear the desired fruit on Friday when CAO offers are made, writes Faye Curran.
The Skill of Socialising in Distanced Times
Making friends can be difficult, but we can't expect fate to simply bestow them upon us in a post-lockdown world, writes Aoibh Ní Chroimín.
Údar Díomá – Seachas Iontas – É Tuarascáil an Choimisinéara Teanga
Is beag an t-iontas an nuacht gur sháraigh ceithre ollscoil Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúila, dar le Malachi Ó Marcaigh.
Former HEA Chief Tom Boland May Be Just What TUSE Needs to Get Off the Ground
Tom Boland's experience and know-how will be important for the future of the south-east's aspirations of having a university, writes Faye Curran.
There is a Sexual Violence Epidemic on Campuses. Students Need to Force the Government to Act
There is an epidemic of sexual violence on Irish campuses. The government needs to begin acting accordingly, writes Ruth Coppinger.