Sigh: So Kill Me

Leanna Byrne on the Irish female blogger 'So Sue Me'
By Leanna Byrne

Calling All Senators: Vote Today to Reject Loans and Support Free Education

Senator Ivana Bacik argues that the Seanad must vote today to return higher education to something that's free for all students.
By Ivana Bacik

Activists Unite, it’s Time to Organise

Cillian Crosson, of Fossil Free TCD, discusses the value of activist training ahead of this year’s People & Planet training camp.
By Cillian Crosson

Trinity’s Rankings Rise Must Not Obscure the Challenges Facing Irish Universities

Today's warning from UCD about cutting places for Irish students is arguably more important than the climb of Irish universities in the ranking tables.
By Simon Foy

Citizens’ Assembly Vote is an Important Vindication of Human Rights for Women and Girls

Many political and media commentators seek to paint the issue of abortion as controversial or divisive. It is not.
By Colm O'Gorman

Academics and the Freedom to Express Controversial Opinions

Dr David Landy argues, in light of Trinity's upcoming conference on academic freedom, that it is universities' duty to discuss and shed light on controversial topics.
By David Landy

This as a New Beginning for Science

Trinity's Professor of Biochemistry on what drove a normally laboratory-bound community on to the streets in support of science.
By Luke O'Neill

Our Approach to Obesity Needs to be More Compassionate

Dr Francis Finucane, a consultant endocrinologist in Galway University Hospitals and honorary senior lecturer in NUI Galway, argues for a different treatment of obesity.
By Francis Finucane

“Know Your Neighbour”: Encouraging a Greater Sense of Community in Trinity

James Shaw highlights the need to foster a greater sense of community in Trinity and examines how it can be achieved.
By James Shaw

When Voting, Students Should Focus on College Unity Rather than Irish Unity

With students getting ready to vote, Simon Foy argues that the decision is not about Irish unity but whether or not we want an inclusive campus that allows for a diversity of views.
By Simon Foy