Elections 2020
TCDSU Candidates Kick Off Campaigns, After Delayed Manifesto Arrivals
Candidates who travelled to Halls last night had to do so without their manifestos, which only arrived this morning.
Dining Hall Hustings Foretells Exacting Debate Over TCDSU Axioms
For an opening salvo, today's hustings saw presidential candidates offering strikingly different visions of the union's future.
Dining Hall Hustings
Join Donal MacNamee, Aisling Marren and Katy Amos for the first hustings of the TCDSU elections.
Plans and Policies Crucial in Contested Editor Race
Susie Crawford, the paper's Radius editor, will run against Deputy Editor Cormac Watson for editorship of The University Times.
Financial Gains Soften Ground for TCDSU Communications Candidates
Hiram Harrington and Philly Holmes, the candidates for communications and marketing officer, will have to carve out a niche in a malleable role.
With Election Pressure Off, McInerney Talks Up ‘Approachable’ Ents
Hugh McInerney, the only candidate for ents officer of TCDSU, believes his experience and personality make him well suited to the role.
Sole Welfare Candidate Leah Keogh Puts Student Hardship in the Spotlight
Leah Keogh, who's running uncontested for TCDSU education officer, has a pitch that's more about evolution than revolution.
Education Candidate O’Connor Keeps it Local, Despite Third-Level Funding Crisis
Megan O'Connor, the sole candidate for TCDSU education officer, wants the union to get back to basics. It's unclear if students will buy it.
In Presidential Race, a Familiar Choice: Micro or Macro
The three candidates running for TCDSU president offer differing takes on the extent to which the union should involve itself in national issues.
10 to Run in 2020 TCDSU Elections, With Three Uncontested Races
Ryan Carey, Eoin Hand and Harry Williams will battle it out for president of the organisation.