In Focus

Dead Languages Remain Alive in the Classroom – and Beyond
Dead languages has been brought into the spotlight with the introduction of Ancient Babylonian in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Most-Read Articles of 2021
It's been another year of coronavirus dominating the headlines, but there was plenty more to read about too.

‘It Doesn’t Mean Copying DCU or Trinity’: TUs Sell a New Message
The whirlwind project to convert institutes of technology to technological universities is nearing completion, but what's the next step?

How Researchers are Challenging the Ethical Assumptions of Development Economics
Development economics as a discipline only came to prominence at the turn of the century, but now researchers are looking to work with locals to maximise policy effectiveness.

Battleground in House 39: The Kenny Vs Cox Prank War
The two lecturers in the School of Law have an ongoing mock feud, much to the entertainment of their colleagues and students.

Are Western Universities Too Europe-Centric?
Institutions like Trinity originally centred on western, Christian-based perspectives, but researchers are now trying to diversify their teaching.

106 Days Meets 25 Years: Seán Binder Speaks Out in Advance of His Trial
The Trinity graduate faces 25 years in prison over his efforts to help refugees in Greece several years ago.

How Universities Can Achieve Carbon Neutrality
The concept of carbon neutrality isn't without problems, but some colleges are leading the way in minimising campus emissions.

Adapting Peace Studies for the 21st Century
The academic study of peace has an enduring utility, but modern scholars are anxious to ensure the discipline moves away from being western-centric.

The Trinity Graduates Making Waves in Sustainable Energy
Sam Roch-Perks and Rory O’Sullivan have never met, but they share the same passion: engineering sustainable energy solutions for the future.