In Focus

Anne Scott is Shepherding NUI Galway Towards Equality
Anne Scott has listened to the critics and, as NUIG's gender equality vice-president, is promising big changes.

Postgraduates Are Finding Their Power
For some postgraduates around the world, there really is power in a union.

A Saxophone Star Who Took a Chance on Trinity
Gavin Brennan might have had concerns as the first-ever student to graduate from Trinity’s masters in music performance. But looking back, he has few regrets.

The Most Read Articles of 2017
For the third-ever year, The University Times surpassed one million unique readers in a calendar year, with stories from impeachments to prank emails.

Trinity, Syrian Refugees and ‘The Box’
The Trinity programme supporting refugees.

Dublin’s Got a New Taxi App
Flag, created by an NUIG student, is trying to break into the market.

The School Where Students Make the Rules
In Wicklow, one school thinks direct democracy delivers the best results.

Mary Mitchell O’Connor is Digging Higher Education Out of a Hole
Six months on from her appointment, Mary Mitchell O'Connor is getting to grips with the third-level sector.

How Smoke-Free Campuses Went Global
While Trinity's future as a smoke-free campus is as yet uncertain, universities across America and Australia have had no hesitation buying into the idea.

The Silent Teachers of Trinity’s Anatomy Department
Donating your body was once an anonymous process. But now, Trinity is trying to re-humanise the people who offer their bodies after death.