
Survey: Nearly 90% of PhDs Feel Pandemic Has Affected Their Research
The survey was carried out by the TCD Postgraduate Workers Alliance.

TCDSU Takes Stance Opposing University Governance Reform Bill
The bill would empower the minister to suspend and replace the governing body of state-funded universities.

TCDSU to Lobby For Removal of On-Campus Parking
The motion aimed to take practical action to reduce College’s carbon footprint.

TCDSU to Lobby for Prohibition of Unpaid Internships
The vote took place tonight at the union’s council meeting, which was scheduled after Tuesday’s meeting lost quorum.

TCDSU to Hold Regular Fora to Foster Engagement
A motion passed this evening mandated the education officer to host regular town hall-style fora for students not directly involved in the union.

Business Dean Told Colleagues that Not Electing Hogan Was a ‘Risk’ to the School
Trinity Business School has grown rapidly in recent years and has seen sustained investment in it by College.

Petition Launched to Oust GSU Vice President
A similar petition was launched yesterday to impeach the GSU President Gisèle Scanlon.

Non-Members of GSU Voted at Yesterday’s EGM
Yesterday’s EGM saw the GSU pass major constitutional changes and significant motions.

Call for GSU President’s Removal From Office Circulates Online
Any member of the GSU executive committee can be removed from office if two-thirds of the members of the Union present and voting support a motion of no confidence brought against them.

Scéim ‘Gníomhaí Gaeilge’ Seolta ag USI agus Conradh na Gaeilge
Tosóidh an scéim sa bhliain acadúil 2021/22 do mhic léinn tríú-leibhéal, Cumainn Ghaelacha, agus ionadaithe Aontais Mac Léinn.