

QUBSU Reaches ‘Milestone’ Agreement Over Autonomy

Queen’s will fund a project exploring the development of an autonomous students’ union.
By Dominic McGrath

Two Candidates for New USI Postgraduate Officer Role

Trinity’s Alexander Cosgrave will run against NUIG’s Andrew Forde.
By Dominic McGrath

New Report Recommends NCAD and IADT Merger

A HEA report recommends NCAD and IADT joining together to create a 'university of creative arts'.
By Dominic McGrath

TCDSU to Celebrate 50 Years with Gala Dinner

Nearly 70 TCDSU alumni will gather in the Dining Hall this evening to celebrate the history of the union.
By Jack Synnott

Vicky Phelan to Receive UL Honorary Degree

Phelan will receive it for 'exceptional commitment to improving women’s healthcare'.
By Jack Synnott

Trinity Falls Outside Top 100 in QS Rankings

For the first time ever, Trinity has fallen outside the top 100 in the prestigious rankings.
By Aisling Marren

New Square Maple Tree Faces the Chop

The tree has been deemed to pose a risk to people and objects nearby.
By Ciannait Khan

Students North and South to Attend Belfast’s March for Marriage Equality

Today, students are calling on Westminster to legislate for marriage equality in Northern Ireland.
By Aisling Marren

Trinity Tree Collapses Overnight

One of Library Square's iconic Oregon maple trees fell down before 3am last night.
By Dominic McGrath

Trinity Granted €1.4m for Neonatal Brain Injury Research

Prof Eleanor Molloy was awarded the grant from the Health Research Board.
By Eleanor O'Mahony