

With Reasons Unclear, Hamilton’s Gastro Closes Doors to Students

The cafe has closed and it remains unclear if it will re-open.
By Dominic McGrath

Botany Bay Runs Dry, After Water Supply Briefly Breaks

Residents were left without water for at least 30 minutes.
By Dominic McGrath

An Bord Pleanála Intervention Delays College Green Development

An Bord Pleanála have requested a further stage of public consultation before making a decision on the new development.
By Kathleen McNamee

Only 25% of Trinity’s Top Professors are Female

Since 2014, there has been a nine per cent increase in women being promoted to top-level positions.
By Róisín Power

Irish Students Pay the Second-Highest Fees in Europe, says New EU Report

The report by the European Commission showed the landscape for third-level fees and supports across Europe.
By Róisín Power

Left-Wing Publication Launched Weeks After Burkean Review

The new publication, the 'Red Pen', hopes to fill what it sees as a left-wing niche in Trinity.
By Donal MacNamee

Linda Doyle Appointed New Dean of Research

Doyle, the Director of Connect, will replace John Boland, who left the Dean of Research role last month.
By Kathleen McNamee

Trinity Trade Unions Await Temporary Contracts Decision

The three unions are expecting Trinity's response to government advice on the use of fixed-term contracts.
By Aaron Finnegan

UCDSU Opens Nominations for President Following Ascough’s Impeachment

The union will hold elections to replace Ascough at the end of November.
By Róisín Power

46% of Trinity Society Heads are Female, New Report Finds

Despite the majority of undergraduate students being female, there is a larger number of male society chairs.
By Kathleen McNamee