Trinity Med Day Aim to Pass €1m Threshold on Their 21st Anniversary
Since 2002, the student charity organisation has been raising funds for projects in Trinity-affiliated teaching hospitals.
Trinity Takes Ownership of Printing House Square
The building will provide 249 new "state of the art" beds to students.
New Report Highlights Racism Experienced by Healthcare Students
The Stand Up, Speak Out! project report was launched last week to articulate the lived experiences of healthcare students from ethnic minority backgrounds.
Committee Elections Dominate First Council
Representatives were elected to a number of committees including the Undergraduate Student Committee, the Education Committee and the Communications and Marketing Committee.
Harris Confirms Double SUSI Payment to Be Made on December 16th
The payment comes as part of a number of measures in Budget 2023 to help alleviate the cost of living crisis for students and their families.
Trinity Inclusive Festival Opens Discussions About Racism on Campus
The programme featured a number of events including a workshop on bias and discrimination on campus.
Students Walk Out of Classes to Protest Rising Cost of Living
Thousands flocked to Front Square at 11.11am today after being allowed to leave classes, a move made by the administration to show solidarity with students protesting.
Minister Harris Announces Funding for 24/7 Mental Health Student Support
The funding will be available to all publicly funded higher education institutions for this academic year.
USI Plans Student Walkout Over Cost of Living and Accommodation Crises
The Union of Students in Ireland, in collaboration with TCDSU, has arranged a walkout this Thursday to combat the fiscal pressures facing students.
Inclusive Trinity Festival Launches with Panel Discussion
The festival spans 10 days and will showcase many of Trinity's inclusivity initiatives and its work with minority communities.