Speaking to Trinity Young Fine Gael, Bruton appeared to contradict the earlier timeline set out in the Action Plan for Education.
By Dominic McGrath
In line with the union's mandate to campaign for Trinity to divest from fossil fuels, the union's lobby group will campaign on behalf of students.
By Róisín Power
While the agreement needs approval at GSU Council, the presidents of both unions express the importance of co-operation and that attempts have not always been successful.
By Dominic McGrath
Two Trinity researchers and the Trinity-based AMBER centre were among the recipients of Science Foundation Ireland awards.
By Christopher McMahon
The celebrations included a lecture from Sir Thomas John Parker, Britain's own Clark Kent, whose speech mirrored Lloyd’s first lecture to engineering students this day 175 years ago.
By Róisín Power
The research funding, from the EU's Horizon 2020 fund, was announced at the launch of the new Trinity Research in Social Sciences centre this evening.
By Brónagh Kennedy
Kevin Donoghue, who was President of USI last year, said higher education will be one of the organisation's priorities.
By Róisín Power
Newly filed accounts show the union posted a loss due to increased spending and a fall in income.
By Eleanor O'Mahony
A new agreement with University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, one of Vietnam’s top universities, will see Vietnamese students complete the final two years of their business degree in Trinity.
By Róisín Power
From debating to sport to volunteering, the Trinity Education Project is trying to recognise and facilitate students' extracurricular activities.
By Sinéad Baker