
Lynn Ruane to Work in Voluntary Capacity for Rest of TCDSU Presidency
Ruane will continue in many aspects of her role, but will pass some responsibilities to Molly Kenny, TCDSU Education Officer.

Trinity Breakthrough Brings World Closer to Using Hydrogen as Cheap and Efficient Energy Source
Researchers at Trinity’s CRANN Institute make discovery that significantly reduces cost of splitting the water molecule.

After Lecturer Mocks Exam Answers on Facebook, German Department Apologises
In the Facebook posts, Dr Clemens Ruthner quoted answers given by students in the german cultural history exam taken by second-year students.

Refurbishments to Regent House Will See it Used as Visitor Centre During Summer Months
The room will be vastly improved as a lecture space, and will still be available for society use, College has said.

Programme for Government Set to Further Delay Higher Education Funding Decisions
Decision on funding model for third level to become remit of cross-party Oireachtas committee.

TCDSU Board of Trustees Meeting Held to Discuss Trinity Ball After Party
New policy will see sabbatical officers signing documents in relation to what is expected of them as employees of the union.

Working Group Member and Unions Call for Immediate Publication of Cassells Report
Op-ed from former USI President Joe O'Connor supported by USI, SIPTU, IMPACT, the TUI and IFUT.

Pending Board Approval, Aidan Seery to be Appointed Senior Tutor
He will replace the current Senior Tutor, Dr Clare Laudet, at the end of this academic year.

Trinity Professor Elected to Fellowship of the Royal Society
Prof Luke O'Neill will join 50 leading scientists from around the world as a Fellow, a position held by Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin.

In Protest of Mental Health Cuts, Students and Activists Rally Around the Country
In protest of €12 million in cuts to the 2016 mental health budget, national protests called on the government to prioritise mental health funding.