New statutes set out to define the differences between current and past students of the College.
By Fergus O’Rourke
Hustings held by the Union of Students in Ireland featured representatives from all major parties.
By Eleanor O'Mahony and Dominic McGrath
Scholars could now be elected year round under certain circumstances, while Trinity Hall is defined as accommodation "in College".
By Emer Gerrard
As of January 22nd, 535 student cases had been resolved out of 600 cases left outstanding before Christmas, but there are fears that there is no long-term solution.
By John Conway
All Tvvins, Horse Meat Disco and Blonde are the first three acts of Trinity Ball.
By Daniel O'Brien
The council's spokesperson, Maryam Namazie, was involved in controversy surrounding a visit to SOFIA last year.
By Aoife O’Donoghue and Emer Gerrard
A motion passed at TCDSU council this evening mandates the union to hold workshops in Trinity Hall, and to extend these to all incoming students in future years.
By Sinéad Baker
The group hopes to use Trinity students to create a not-for-profit translation service, with proceeds from which going to the Trinity Humanitarian Fund.
By Dominic McGrath
Following working group recommendations, sweeping changes to recommendations on exam and academic appeals.
By Eleanor O'Mahony
Changes to proposal to be considered at a meeting of the College Board tomorrow.
By Dominic McGrath