Gavin Dykes, the director of Education World Forum is to moderate the union's November general election debate.
By Edmund Heaphy
Launched earlier this week, the submission asks for a reversal of measures introduced since the economic crisis.
By Jack Hartnett
Trinity is the only public institution to have been presented with the award, given by the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network .
By Sarah Scales
The training came as part of Trinity's new Gender Identity and Gender Expression Policy
By Sinéad Baker
Students of midwifery and nursing left without any on-building facilities after closure of cafes and shops.
By Paul Glynn
The week-long Careers Week event has been replaced with a series of individual events throughout term.
By Eleanor O’Mahony
Chair of government Working Group of Higher Education Funding says group will report by end of year as planned.
By Edmund Heaphy
New College plagiarism policy sees introduction of module and new penalty matrix for plagiarism.
By Dónal Ring
Prof Jane Ohlmeyer will continue in role as History professor and Director of the Long Room Hub.
By Daniel O'Brien
TCDSU appeal to the Visitors over the controversial passing of student charges at Board has received no reply since being submitted in May.
By Edmund Heaphy and Dominic McGrath