

Trinity Ranked 12th Most International University Worldwide

College has dropped four places from the 2021 rankings, compiled by the Times Higher Education.
By Seán Cahill

Strong Support Among Students for Schrödinger Theatre to be Renamed

Several respondents of a survey suggested the theatre be named after Ernest Walton.
By Jody Druce

UL president: Lack of Funding Pushing Irish Colleges Down in Rankings

Prof Kerstin Mey has called for 'urgent Government funding' for a new funding model for higher education.
By Jennifer Ní Chiara

Feachtas Seolta do Cheathrú Gaeilge agus an Ghaeilge a Spreagadh san Ardchathair

D’fhógair an tAire Stát don Ghaeltacht agus Spóirt Jack Chambers maoiniú de €325,000 don fheachtas.
By Jennifer Ní Chiara

UL Launches new Traveller Studies Lecturing Position

The position will improve links between the Travelling and settled communities through teaching and research.
By Jennifer Ní Chiara

Queen’s to Return to In-Person Teaching

The Belfast university moved online earlier this month due to a surge in Omicron cases in Northern Ireland.
By Jody Druce

Harris Announces Funding for Research into Gender-Based Abuse

Some 77 projects investigating contemporary societal issues will receive funding from the Irish Research Council.
By Emer Moreau

NPHET’s Philip Nolan Takes up New Role as Head of SFI

Science Foundation Ireland provides funding to scientists and engineers.
By Maitiú Charleton

Trinity Students Launch Vaccine Equity Campaign

Trinity Students for Vaccine Equity is encouraging students to wear red to support the Global Week of Action for Vaccine Equity.
By Seán Cahill

Ashling Murphy was ‘the Kindest, Most Caring Person Ever’, Vigil Hears

The young schoolteacher was murdered in a seemingly random attack earlier this week.
By Emer Moreau