Comment & Analysis

Stiff Competition Emerges in Contested Races, as Candidates Hit Form
Candidates came into their own this evening, comfortably expanding on their manifesto points.

Some Falter, Others Make Strides at Testing Hustings
Candidates gave revealing answers to tough questions this evening, as tensions emerged in the presidential race.

Candidates Namecheck Engagement Problem at Laid-Back Dining Hall Hustings
The first hustings of the election period allowed a gentle start for candidates to establish their positions on the biggest issues facing students.

Who’s Running in the TCDSU Elections?

MacNamee Pitches Inclusivity and Action
Despite the lack of competition for the role, Donal MacNamee is keen to prove he has concrete plans to lead The University Times into the future.

Kane Backs Traditional Methods, Despite Deficit
With union engagement at a low and a pressing budget deficit, the role of communications and marketing officer is more important than ever.

Consensus Unlikely, as Ents Candidates Tout Differences
An ability to plan an eclectic array of events will be key in the race to become this year's TCDSU Entertainments Officer.

The GSU is Right to Push for a Review of Postgraduate Education
A review modelled partially on the Trinity Education Project could ensure better education for future postgraduates.

Trinity’s New Student App Should Learn from Our Lustrous Student Societies
College needs to realise that it’s not enough to just have students involved in the beginning.

Our Generation is Being Upstaged by Children
The urgent action being taken by young climate activists is inspiring, writes Ciannait Khan, but it also shines a light on students’ lacklustre efforts.