Comment & Analysis

Hazing Is Not Necessary for Creating Team Spirit
From inside a club, it may seem harmless, but students need to realise the dangers of these practices, writes Cormac Watson.

Striking Nurses’ Demands Are Far From Extreme
Students should show empathy for nurses, as they fight against poor working conditions, writes Jack Synnott.

Tá Ollúnachtaí do Mhná Amháin mar Fhreagra ar Chur Chuige Easpach
Ar an drochuair, ní tuilleamhlathas é an saol acadúil le imdhíonacht aige ar an ghnéasachas.

Women-Only Professorships Are a Response to an Inadequate Softly-Softly Approach
The sad reality is that academia is far from a meritocracy, and isn’t immune to sexist practice.

As More Women Run, A Reminder That Mentorship Matters More Than Anything
The surge in women running in the TCDSU elections does not necessarily mark an end to a lack of representation.

The Trials of Being a Non-Drinker in College
Most College social activities are alcohol-centered, writes Emer Moreau.

Léiríonn an Tubaiste le Táillí SUSI go bhfuil Fadhb le Príomhfheidhmeanna an Chlárlann Acadúil
Níl gá iniúchadh a dhéanamh chun fadhbanna i riarachán na Clárlainne Acadúla a aithint.

Tá na hAontais Mac Léinn ag Dul i nGleic le Soláthar Díreach – Ach Gan USI
Tá aontas náisiúnta na mac léinn ag iarraidh bheith i gceannas ar an fheachtas seo. Ba chóir go bhfuil sé cheana.

The SUSI Fee Debacle is Proof Academic Registry Has an Issue With Core Functions
It’s not necessary to look under the hood to see glaring issues with the way Academic Registry is run.

Students’ Unions Are Tackling Direct Provision Together – But Without USI
The national students’ union is trying to regain control of a campaign it should already be leading.