Comment & Analysis

Tá TEP Trína Chéile. Ní Chaithfidh Sé Bheith Mar Seo
Ba chinnte go mbeadh dushlán le mórathruithe in oideachas na Tríonóide, agus tá an ceart ag mic léinn bheith míshásta.

D’fhéadfadh TEP an Fhadhb le Boilsciú Gráid a Réitiú
Tá sé de rún ag an tionscadal míchlúiteach athchóiriú a dhéanamh ar mheasúnacht, ag teacht le pairidímí úra oideachais.

TEP is In a Muddle. It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way
Making wholesale changes to Trinity’s education was bound to be a challenge, and students have a right to be aggrieved.

When it Comes to Grade Inflation, TEP Could Offer Solutions
The oft-maligned Trinity Education Project has sought to reimagine assessment in ways that dovetail with emerging educational paradigms.

Politicians Respect Protest. Why Aren’t We Out Every Week?
To make protests work, the movements need to be accessible and cater for people of all political stripes, writes Cormac Watson.

Tá Painéal na Tríonóide Éilíteach Aisteach, ach is Údar Maithis é Chomh Maith
Má chaitear le Painéal na Tríonóide mar iomrall aimsire, déantar neamhaird ar a thréithe dearfacha.

Ba Chóir Níos Mó den Lucht Siúil Bheith in Ardoideachas. Ach Ná Diagaímis Céim Ollscoile
Is fíor-íseal líon na dtaistealaithe a bhaineann oideachas tríú leibhéil amach.

The Trinity Panel is Elitist and Peculiar, But It Also Has Been a Force for Good
To treat the Trinity panel as merely an anachronism ignores its most redeeming qualities.

More Travellers Should Be at Third-Level. But Let’s Not Deify a University Degree
A startlingly low number of Travellers progress to third-level education.

Students Had Five Years to Mobilise Against A Smoke-Free Campus
Rarely has opposition to Tobacco Free Trinity manifested itself in a campaign of any coherence or strength.