Comment & Analysis

Ag an RDS, Boladh na gCapall agus Moill 90-Nóiméad le Scrúduithe
Fágadh na mic léinn ag streacháilt le praiseach an tréimse úr scrúduithe – agus ní féidir glacadh leis.

At the RDS, A Smell of Horses in the Air and a 90-Minute Delay to Exams
Unacceptably, the College left students scrambling to perform under difficult circumstances.

Léiríonn Baghcat USI ar Peter Casey Dúspéis sna Meáin
Ní leor rannpháirtíocht sna meáin in ionad na rudaí a bhíodh mar raison d’etre an aontais.

USI’s Peter Casey Boycott Points to a Media Obsession
Media engagement is no substitute for the things once considered the union’s raison d’etre.

Déantar Áibhéil de Bhuaireamh TCDSU le Feachtais Seachtracha
Ní féidir a rá go bhfuil fadhb rannpháirtíochta ag an aontas mar gheall ar chúrsaí nach mbaineann le mic léinn.

TCDSU’s Preoccupation With External Campaigns is Overstated
The engagement problem facing the union cannot really be put down to its supposed focus on non-student issues.

Thanks to Spotify, We Can Enjoy Watching Each Other’s Studying Soundtracks
Watching what our friends are listening to on Spotify's friend activity sidebar offers comic relief during study season, writes Aoife Kearins.

Castigating Trigger Warnings isn’t Only Hypocritical – It’s Absurd
When society fixates on warnings issues by bloggers instead of the divisive language of the powerful, something has gone very wrong, writes Ross Malervy.

Le Brú Mór ar Mhic Léinn, Caithfidh an Coláiste Tabhairt faoi Laigí TEP
Tá fadhbanna móra le feiceáil le strus na mac léinn agus le meath ar rannpháirtíocht sna cumainn.

Conas ar Tháinig an Droch-Chaoi seo ar Champas na Tríonóide?
Tá campas ársa ag Coláiste na Tríonóide, ach ní fionntacháin úr í sin.