Comment & Analysis

Racism is Alive in Ireland – Even Here in Trinity
Students experience stereotyping and stigma on campus, writes David Ola.

Níl an Dualgas ar Mhic Léinn Tionscadal Oideachais na Tríonóide a Réitiú
Bhí na mic léinn agus oifigigh an Choláiste go hiomlán ag teacht salach ar a chéile ag an fhóram oscaile Dé Chéadaoin.

Ba Chóir Comhrá Náisiúnta ar Mhéalú a Thosú i ndiaidh Scéal an Chumann Rámhaíochta
Cuireann cuid is mó de na hollscoileanna Éireannacha i gcéill nach bhfuil cultúr méalaithe in Éirinn.

No, College, It’s Not Up to Students to Fix the Trinity Education Project
Students and College officials were completely at odds at Wednesday’s open forum event.

The Boat Club Expose Should Start a National Conversation About Hazing
Irish universities have for the most part pretended that a hazing culture does not exist in Ireland.

Hazing Is Not Necessary for Creating Team Spirit
From inside a club, it may seem harmless, but students need to realise the dangers of these practices, writes Cormac Watson.

Striking Nurses’ Demands Are Far From Extreme
Students should show empathy for nurses, as they fight against poor working conditions, writes Jack Synnott.

Tá Ollúnachtaí do Mhná Amháin mar Fhreagra ar Chur Chuige Easpach
Ar an drochuair, ní tuilleamhlathas é an saol acadúil le imdhíonacht aige ar an ghnéasachas.

Women-Only Professorships Are a Response to an Inadequate Softly-Softly Approach
The sad reality is that academia is far from a meritocracy, and isn’t immune to sexist practice.

As More Women Run, A Reminder That Mentorship Matters More Than Anything
The surge in women running in the TCDSU elections does not necessarily mark an end to a lack of representation.