Comment & Analysis

Le Vóta Airgeadais ag an GSU, Is Fíorgheallshealbhóirí Anois na Mic Léinn
Is cinnte gur toradh na hagóidíochta go bhfuil an dara vóta anois ag mic léinn ar Choiste Airgeadais an Choláiste.

GSU’s Vote on Finance a Sign Students are Now Seen As Legitimate Stakeholders
That students now have a second vote on the College Finance Committee is undoubtedly a consequence of the Take Back Trinity protests.

Editorial Notebook
Provost’s House Spending, Plagiarism Jump, International Student Increase

Relax, Jordan Peterson, Your Freedom of Speech Isn’t Under Threat
Rumours of the demise of free speech on campuses are greatly exaggerated, writes Alanna MacNamee.

It’s Time to Stand Up Against Climate Change
If there's a single movement to get behind, it's environmentalism as nothing else matters if we have nowhere to live, writes Eliana Jordan.

“We Ruined the Friendship. We’re Never Getting This Back.” And Then We Did
I use the phrase 'just friends', as if this is nothing remarkable. But it’s not a 'just'.

How Ireland’s Leftist Politicians Are Failing Housing Activists
Amid a national emergency, it's disappointing that none of Ireland's left-wing politicians are at the heart of direct action for better housing, writes Donal MacNamee.

A Year on, Here’s What Healing After Rape Looks Like
Healing is a slow and ugly process, but rebuilding yourself is always possible, and always worthwhile.

Ní Bheidh ‘Coláiste don Oileán ar Fad’ gan ach Mic Léinn ó Chúige Laighean
Níl ach scoláire amháin as cúigear ó thaobh amuigh de Chúige Laighean – tá constaicí fós roimh mhic léinn Chonnacht agus na Mumhan.

TCDSU Pioneered Consent Workshops – and Politicians Are Now Taking Them Very Seriously
When students’ unions campaign well and coherently, they have the power to help effect change on a national level.