Comment & Analysis

A Generous Budget – But Not for Students
The government has favoured steady voters over students in what is clearly an election budget, with universities’ funding crisis forgotten once again.

Expensive Academic Books Put A Price Tag On Knowledge
Students already pay so much for college and the price of academic texts is another barrier to education, writes Jack Synnott.

Seans Go dTiocfaidh Vóta na Mac Léinn le Chéile i gCoinne na Tithíochta
Ba léir i dtólamh nárbh leor ceist an mhaoiniú ardoideachais chun na mic léinn a spreagadh chun vótáil d’aon ghuth.

Tá an Cumann Liobrálachais Clasaicigh ag Nochtú Neamhréireacht an CSC
Tá neamhréireacht an CSC maidir lena bheartas ar chumainn polaitiúla anois ag éirí níos achrannaí.

Housing May Finally Unify Young People at the General Election Ballot Box
Stances on third-level funding were never really going to cause students to spurn political parties.

Editorial Notebook
Loan Scheme Delusions, Rickety House Six and Micheál Martin in Trinity

The Classical Liberal Society is Set to Run Into An Inconsistent CSC
The CSC’s variegated approach to applying its stance on political societies may be now verging on the problematic.

Thanksgiving Offers a Reminder of All That’s Left Behind
Thanksgiving brings home to international students the sacrifices involved in choosing to study away from home, writes Eliana Jordan.

Forget Empty Promises. We Must Act on Climate Change Now
Nothing short of immediate and radical action can prevent environmental catastrophe, writes Bríd Smith.

Trinity Must Work Harder to Make Its Graduates Employable
Despite an improvement this year, Trinity's position in the QS Rankings is not something the College should take lightly, writes Paddy Mockler.