Comment & Analysis

Far From a ‘Whole Island’ University, Trinity Needs to Up its Non-Leinster Game
Considering just one-in-five students come from outside Leinster, College must consider the obstacles facing students from Munster and Connacht.

Why Irish Universities Should Invest in Interviews of Medicine Candidates
An interview process for medical courses would allow universities to assess candidates for vital personality traits, writes Jake Gilchrist.

Presidential Candidates Overlook Students at Their Peril
By disregarding students, Ireland's presidential candidates are ignoring a demographic that can transform Ireland, writes Tara Porter McEvoy.

Anti-Traveller Prejudice is Alive and Well in Irish Politics
Students must stand up against Peter Casey and Josepha Madigan, who have played on prejudice for personal gain, writes Patrick McDonagh.

Seachtain Scairtí agus an Earnáil Ardoideachais Trína Chéile
Dúradh tráth nár chabhraigh sé. Ach tá gearán mar gheall ar an ghéarchéim ardoideachais in Éirinn ag fás seachtain i ndiaidh seachtaine.

A Week of Shouting About the Third-Level Sector’s Disarray
Once considered unhelpful, cries about the crisis for higher education in Ireland get more frequent by the week.

Cultúr Gangaideach i DCU – Ach Ní Eisceacht Í Seo
Is soineanta a rá nach ndéantar aithris ar chultúr Meiriceánach na gcumann go minic ar champais Éireannacha eile.

At DCU, Tales of a Toxic – But Not Isolated – Culture
It would be naive to suggest that similarly dismal re-enactments of US frat culture do not occur on other Irish campuses.

Editorial Notebook
DCU Deportation, DITSU’s Protests, Phil’s Bad PR Streak

Everyone Deserves to Have a Roof Over Their Heads
Budget 2019 fell short of what is needed to alleviate the housing crisis, writes Darragh O'Brien.