Comment & Analysis

Editorial Notebook
DUCAC Disorganisation, Internationalisation Benefits and a Muted USI Protest

It’s Time For Men to Get Real About Mental Health
Opening up about mental health doesn't show weakness – it demonstrates strength, writes Daniel Twomey.

The Enigmatic Figure Behind Trinity’s Thriving Societies
Over 30 years in Trinity as a student and employee has made Joseph O'Gorman one of the most curious figures on campus.

The Case for Speaking Up in Tutorials
Tutorials are for your own benefit. Share your ideas to avoid the awkward silences, writes Eliana Jordan.

Consent Workshops Won’t Be Enough to Tackle On-Campus Sexual Assaults
Students must contribute to the creation of a new reporting system for sexual assault in Irish universities, writes Aoife Kearins.

A Generous Budget – But Not for Students
The government has favoured steady voters over students in what is clearly an election budget, with universities’ funding crisis forgotten once again.

Expensive Academic Books Put A Price Tag On Knowledge
Students already pay so much for college and the price of academic texts is another barrier to education, writes Jack Synnott.

Seans Go dTiocfaidh Vóta na Mac Léinn le Chéile i gCoinne na Tithíochta
Ba léir i dtólamh nárbh leor ceist an mhaoiniú ardoideachais chun na mic léinn a spreagadh chun vótáil d’aon ghuth.

Tá an Cumann Liobrálachais Clasaicigh ag Nochtú Neamhréireacht an CSC
Tá neamhréireacht an CSC maidir lena bheartas ar chumainn polaitiúla anois ag éirí níos achrannaí.

Housing May Finally Unify Young People at the General Election Ballot Box
Stances on third-level funding were never really going to cause students to spurn political parties.