Comment & Analysis

Ní Leor “Dínit agus Meas” Chun Dul i nGleic le hIonsaí Gnéis
Is tromchúiseach an easpa bheartais neamhspleách atá ag an Choláiste.

Perhaps the Provost is At Long Last Ready to Relinquish his Board Chairmanship
Following a recent evaluation by College Board members, Prendergast’s dual role as CEO and chairman is up for consideration.

A ‘Dignity and Respect’ Policy is Hardly the Place for Sexual Assault
The significance of Trinity not having a standalone sexual assault policy cannot be underestimated.

Editorial Notebook
Slump in Rankings, New College Timetable, Phil’s Gender Equality

When the Novelty of First Year Wears Off
Coming into second year can be disappointing after the whirlwind of excitement in first year , writes Eliana Jordan.

We Must Do Better Than Direct Provision
Direct provision was set up as an interim measure. Years on, we've made no progress, writes Aodhán Ó Riordáin.

A Tobacco-Free Campus Would Stigmatise Smokers
It's smokers' right to choose what they want to do with their bodies and a smoke-free campus would achieve very little, writes Alanna MacNamee.

Today’s Housing Revolution Means a Very Different Future
The housing crisis is undoubtedly a severe problem. But young people on the frontlines can cultivate a better approach, writes Ciannait Khan.

USI’s Absence from Saturday’s O’Connell Bridge Action Suggests It’s Out of Touch
USI’s lining up to conduct its own limp protest left it away from the housing movement’s frontlines.

Poor Turnout is Not the Only Harbinger of TCDSU Council’s Decline
That only 1,400 students turned out to vote is just one indication of the atrophy blighting the union’s foremost decision-making body.