Comment & Analysis


We Must Do Better Than Direct Provision

Direct provision was set up as an interim measure. Years on, we've made no progress, writes Aodhán Ó Riordáin.
By Aodhán Ó Riordáin

A Tobacco-Free Campus Would Stigmatise Smokers

It's smokers' right to choose what they want to do with their bodies and a smoke-free campus would achieve very little, writes Alanna MacNamee.
By Alanna MacNamee

Today’s Housing Revolution Means a Very Different Future

The housing crisis is undoubtedly a severe problem. But young people on the frontlines can cultivate a better approach, writes Ciannait Khan.
By Ciannait Khan

USI’s Absence from Saturday’s O’Connell Bridge Action Suggests It’s Out of Touch

USI’s lining up to conduct its own limp protest left it away from the housing movement’s frontlines.
By The Editorial Board

Poor Turnout is Not the Only Harbinger of TCDSU Council’s Decline

That only 1,400 students turned out to vote is just one indication of the atrophy blighting the union’s foremost decision-making body.
By The Editorial Board

The True Cost of College’s Commercialisation is Starting to Show

College is looking more like a business than a place of learning, writes Jack Synnott.
By Jack Synnott

E3 Will Revolutionise the East End of Campus

The new institute will break from the traditional static teaching environments to revitalise the College, writes Veronica Campbell.
By Veronica Campbell

The Eighth is at an End, but Battles Still Remain

Yesterday's events are cause for celebration but the fight for abortion rights is far from over, writes Kathleen McNamee.
By Kathleen McNamee

Mic Léinn na Tríonóide Chun Tosaigh san Fheachtas Tithíochta

Chuaigh grianghraif de na fir le balaclávaí orthu agus an scliúchas a thosaigh siad i bhfeidhm go mór ar bhreathnóirí a bhí neamhpháirteach go dtí sin.

Why Fine Gael Doesn’t Care About the Funding Crisis

Students are an unreliable constituency and so the government has little incentive to please them, writes Matthew Murphy.
By Matthew Murphy