Comment & Analysis


Caithfidh USI Fanacht Láidir sa Troid in Éadan Táillí

Cé go bhfuil an taoide ag tiontú ó scéim iasacht mhac léinn, tá na hollscoileanna fós gann ar mhaoiniú.

Ag Bunú Aontais Úir d’Ollscoil Úr – Nach mBeidh Cabhair de Dhíth?

Má thugtar an iomarca airde ar an amlíne, bainfear den tábhacht atá leis an deis le haontas ardchaighdeáin a chruthú.

USI Has Stepped Off the Anti-Fees Pedal, and May End Up Regretting It

Despite signs that the tide has turned away from a student loan scheme, universities are still starved of funding.
By The Editorial Board

Ireland’s Newest University Might Need External Help to Form its Union

To focus on timing is to relegate the importance of creating a high-quality, best-in-class union.
By The Editorial Board

The Logic Behind the IUA’s U-Turn on Student Loans is Not So Sound

The association's agnosticism is not some shift in a master plan, but rather a response to vague government statements.
By The Editorial Board
Editorial Notebook

Trinity Education Project Exams, Summer Series, TCDSU Academic Senate

By The Editorial Board

When it Comes to Harassment, Silence is Often Complicity

Standing up against sexual harassment is never easy, but we must find ways to break the silence, writes Athene Donald.
By Athene Donald

How the Schrodinger Conference Reignited My Passion for Research

Cillian Gartlan reflects on this historic conference impacted him and reignited his commitment to a career in science.
By Cillian Gartlan

The Superhero Leading Trinity’s Science Charge

Trinity’s only speaker at the prestigious Schrodinger conference this week, Lydia Lynch is striving to cure obesity and cancer through immunology.
By Aoife Kearins

Students Are in the Future of Sustainability

Provost Patrick Prendergast writes that universities have a vital role to play in finding the big solutions to environmental issues.
By Patrick Prendergast