Comment & Analysis

It Would Be Unwise for College to Underestimate Take Back Trinity Again
A sudden five per cent increase for some students surely goes against the spirit of March’s fee-certainty agreement.

Dublin’s First-Ever Trans Pride Displayed the Ferocity the Movement Needs
If Ireland’s campaign for trans rights is to grow further, Saturday’s event could serve as a blueprint.

Students’ Unions Don’t Represent All. We Should be Able to Opt Out
Liam Byrne makes the case for the freedom to disassociate from students’ unions after Young Fine Gael supported an opt-out motion.

Léiríonn Bradaíl UCDSU an Tábhacht le hObair USI
In ainneoin líon ard na mac léinn UCDSU, tá an lámh in uachtar ag an aontas náisiúnta.

Is Ceart Athbhrandáil €20,000 ULSU a Cháineadh
In áit dhul i ngleic leis na bunchúiseanna atá le neamhshuim na mac léinn, chaith Aontas na Mac Léinn Ollscoil Luimnigh na mílte ar athbhrandáil.

UCDSU’s Plagiarism is a Tacit Acceptance of the Work That USI Does
UCDSU may boast large student numbers, but the national representative union has the upper hand.

Justifiable Criticism for a Brazen €20,000 ULSU Rebrand
Instead of addressing the root causes of student apathy, University of Limerick Students’ Union spent thousands on a rebrand.

The Innovation District is More Evidence Trinity is Playing its Cards Right
The Grand Canal Dock-based project could bring in the kind of investment College and the government need.

The Government is Apparently Solving an Entirely Different Accommodation Crisis
Contrary to the reality of the crisis, a new government report suggests everything is in order.

Students Should Reassert Their Power in Upcoming EU Elections
In the wake of repeal success, students have an opportunity to prove their strength in the EU elections.