Is féidir le USI níos mó a dhéanamh ar son iarchéimithe na tíre, ach leis an dtaithí atá aige cheana féin, níl gá le hoifigeach nua.
While USI can certainly improve on its efforts to represent postgraduates, the union already has the experience and expertise to do so without establishing a new position.
By The Editorial Board
Bhí Aontas na Mac Léinn in Éirinn buartha go gcaillfeadh sé a chuid stádas, gan mórán torthaí.
Tá seans go mbeadh an chéad ban-uachtarán san earnáil tríú leibhéal in Éirinn tofa ag Choláiste na Tríonóide i gceann cúig bliana.
The national representative union has been too afraid to shout loudly for fear that it would lose its seat at the table – with no real results.
By The Editorial Board
Given its track record, Trinity could now well be the first university in Ireland to elect a female head.
By The Editorial Board
Cuirfidh sé sin borradh ollmhór faoin eolaíocht in Éirinn.
Membership of the Europe-wide organisation would be a significant boost to Irish science.
By The Editorial Board
Beidh na torthaí ón rangú Times Higher Education ar an Máirt. Is féidir linn an míniú a bheidh á thabhairt ag Choláiste na Tríonóide a thuar go furasta.
This year’s Times Higher Education rankings are set to be released on Tuesday. It’s not hard to predict how Trinity will explain its placement.
By The Editorial Board