Comment & Analysis

Students Are Frustrated and Angry. They Need Places to Air Their Concerns
The issues facing chemistry students show there are still hurdles in Trinity stopping students from raising their concerns.

“We March in Solidarity”: Why People are Joining the March for Choice
Students, politicians and campaigners give their reasons as to why they're joining today's March for Choice.

Young People Must Further Mobilise to Repeal the Eighth Ahead of Oireachtas Committee Decision
Ruth Coppinger argues that, despite the progress being made, there is more that students can do to actively fight for abortion rights.

Discussions About Disability are Missing from the Irish Abortion Debate
Hazel Bergin and Ciara O'Rourke argue that the abortion debate in Ireland needs to be open to the facts about disability.

After Years of Frustrations, I’m Bowing Out as a Trade Union Leader
Mike Jennings recalls his years as a key member in the fight for workers' rights during his time in IFUT.

We Have a Timeline for a Repeal Referendum. We Must be Prepared
Annie Hoey argues that, following Leo Varadkar's announcement of a May or June referendum, activists must prepare for the challenge ahead.

A May Referendum Date is the Lesser of Two Evils
Ciannait Khan argues that the timeline for a referendum on the eighth amendment raises its own concerns.

There and Back Again: Learning to Love Dublin Again After Erasmus
Louise Lawless reflects upon what it's like to return from Erasmus with fresh eyes and a new perspective on how student life can be.

Rinne na Mic Léinn a Míle Dícheall agus Chinntigh Siad Nár Tháinig Dada as na Ráflaí Bréagacha faoin dToiliú
Ba cheart don aontas mic léinn an choláiste a spreagadh chun páirt a ghlacadh sna feachtais. Cinnteoidh sé sin go mbeidh rath ar an aontas amach anseo.

Far from Inevitable, the Consent Success Came From a Concerted Student Effort
Allowing students to get involved in campaigns who aren't in the union will ensure success from future campaigns.