Comment & Analysis

Tá Éileamh Ardghlórach á Dhéanamh ag USI, Léiriú é seo ar an gcur Chuige nua
Bhí Aontas na Mac Léinn in Éirinn buartha go gcaillfeadh sé a chuid stádas, gan mórán torthaí.

Níor thoghadh bean ina uachtarán in OÉ Gaillimh, Dirímid ár n-aird Anois ar an gcéad deis eile
Tá seans go mbeadh an chéad ban-uachtarán san earnáil tríú leibhéal in Éirinn tofa ag Choláiste na Tríonóide i gceann cúig bliana.

USI’s Demand to be Heard Represents a Much-Needed Shift
The national representative union has been too afraid to shout loudly for fear that it would lose its seat at the table – with no real results.

NUIG’s Failure to Appoint a Female President Turns Attention to Next Opportunity
Given its track record, Trinity could now well be the first university in Ireland to elect a female head.

Ba Chóir go dTapódh Rialtas na hÉireann an Deis chun Ballraíocht CERN a Ghlacadh
Cuirfidh sé sin borradh ollmhór faoin eolaíocht in Éirinn.

Ireland Should Jump at the Opportunity to Join CERN
Membership of the Europe-wide organisation would be a significant boost to Irish science.

Tá Ollscoileanna na Tíre Dúghafa leis an Rangú. Cathain a Chuirfear Stop leis?
Beidh na torthaí ón rangú Times Higher Education ar an Máirt. Is féidir linn an míniú a bheidh á thabhairt ag Choláiste na Tríonóide a thuar go furasta.

Rankings Have Long Bamboozled Our Universities. When Will It End?
This year’s Times Higher Education rankings are set to be released on Tuesday. It’s not hard to predict how Trinity will explain its placement.

An Líon Focal do Halla na Tríonóide, Taisme a Thaispeánann an Córas Riaracháin Seanaimseartha sa Choláiste
Léiríonn an míthapa is deireanaí go bhfuil leasú ó bhonn sa chóras riaracháin seanaimseartha ag teastáil go práinneach.

Hall’s Application Wordcount Typifies Trinity’s Admin Failings
This latest issue makes it clear that Trinity needs to invest in a college-wide overhaul of its antiquated administrative systems.